1. How can I place an order with Gamble Music?
There are three ways:
1. Order on our website:
2. Mail your order to Gamble Music, 2401 S. Leavitt Street, Chicago, IL 60608
3. Send purchase orders to
We accept payment via PayPal, credit card, or by check. If paying by check you do NOT need to pre-pay, simply mail us a check when you receive your order.
2. Does Gamble Music accept Purchase Orders?
Yes. Please mail them or submit them to
3. Can I request a printed invoice if I purchase on your Website?
Yes: but there is no need for a special request. An invoice is included in each shipment.
4. Can Gamble Music provide a quote before I place an order?
Yes: just send us an email ( requesting a quote. Be sure to include model names and quantities for each item, and your shipping address so that we can estimate shipping.