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1. How can I place an order with Gamble Music?

                There are three ways:

                                1. Order on our website:  www.gamblemusic.com
                                2. Mail your order to Gamble Music, 2401 S. Leavitt Street, Chicago, IL 60608

                                3. Send purchase orders to gamblemusic2023@gmail.com

We accept payment via PayPal, credit card, or by check.  If paying by check you do NOT need to pre-pay, simply mail us a check when you receive your order. 


2. Does Gamble Music accept Purchase Orders?
                Yes.  Please mail them or submit them to gamblemusic2023@gmail.com

3. Can I request a printed invoice if I purchase on your Website?
                 Yes: but there is no need for a special request.  An invoice is included in each shipment.

4. Can Gamble Music provide a quote before I place an order?                               

Yes: just send us an email (gamblemusic2023@gmail.com) requesting a quote.  Be sure to include model names and quantities for each item, and your shipping address so that we can estimate shipping.
